Converge Webinar - Cultural Intelligence

Join Converge on Tuesday 27 August for a webinar on Cultural Intelligence. This webinar is free to join for all UNSW staff members.

Cultural Intelligence, or CQ®, is a globally recognised way of assessing and improving effectiveness in culturally diverse situations. This webinar provides us with an introduction to CQ and how the development of our CQ can lead to more positive engagement of a diverse workforce.

Learning Overview

  • Define cultural intelligence (CQ) and why it's important
  • Understand the four CQ capabilities for culturally diverse interactions:
    • CQ drive
    • CQ knowledge
    • CQ action
    • CQ strategy
  • Consider an action plan to develop your CQ knowledge

Cultural Intelligence will be held on Teams from 12pm-1pm on Tuesday 27 August.

Please click the button below to register.