Disability Inclusive Communications

Run by the Australian Network on Disability, Disability Inclusive Communications will provide you with the knowledge, skills and tools to be able to confidently communicate with employees, students and other stakeholders with disability. This session is open to all UNSW students and staff.

Participants will develop greater awareness of what disability is, and develop confidence to use the right language and understand the value of inclusive behavious and attitudes.

The interactive delivery style provides skills and knowledge to confidently communicate with people with disability, while providing an understanding of accessibility and inclusion in the workplace and learning environment.

Please note that due to the interactive, confidential nature of in-person training sessions, recordings are not available. 


All in-person training sessions will be held in wheelchair and lift accessible CATS rooms at UNSW Sydney Kensington campus (if not otherwise specified).

  • Facilitators and panellists will speak using lapel or wireless hand-held microphones
  • Online training will have closed captioning enabled and transcripts can be provided upon request
  • PowerPoint slides can be provided in advance of the training upone request
  • Please indicate any further accessibility requirements in the registration form

This session will be held on Tuesday 14 March, from 10am-12pm, in Electrical Engineering G04.