Work-Family Support Series

Parenting Support: Avoiding the pitfalls of parenting by "what others will think"

Do you remember being really annoyed when your parents exclaimed “Stop that now! What will the neighbours think?!” 

While we may not have liked it as children, the reality is as parents we’ve all probably said something similar when we've focused more on what "others will think" than what’s really needed in that moment.

However, parenting with a focus on… 

  • saving face with family, friends and strangers, or 
  • trying to do what we think others will find acceptable, or 
  • focusing on appearing to be in control at all costs, or 
  • worrying about how our actions or our child’s actions reflect on us as parents, 

… is not an effective way to raise happy, well-balanced and confident children. 

Dr Rosina is the creator of the Win Win Parenting program. In this webinar she explores: 

  • The pitfalls for you and for your child of parenting by “what others will think” 
  • Understanding parenting as ongoing learning, continuous improvement and increasing confidence 
  • The many benefits of focusing on your child's needs when raising children 
  • How to parent effectively in challenging moments
  • Question and answer session. 

By attending this session parents and carers will further their education and awareness of the proactive steps they can take to be a positive role-model for their children and help their children to develop key skills for life success! 

Parenting Support: Avoiding the pitfalls of parenting by "what others will think" will be held at 1pm on Thursday 16 March 2023

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